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    Secunderabad, Telangana 500094
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  • Working Hours
    Mon-Sat:9.00am to 7.00pm

About the Chairperson

Vadluri Sateesh Kumar –Chairman

Mr. Vadluri Sateesh Kumar is from Warangal District Telangana, India completed his Graduation B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) from Kakatiya University, Warangal. Gained hands-on experience by working for 16 years in Purchase & Stores, Finance Management, Project Management,Skill Development Training and other Social activities like Women Empowerment, Job Melas, Conducting Health Camps, and Blood Donation Camps etc.

Mr.Vadluri Sateesh Kumar haswide range of experience in various organisations earlier in various levels and positions in execution of the organisational objectives. He hasrelevant experience of 12 years in Designing and Executing Leadership Development Solutions for various organizations. He also involved in Top Executive Teams who has a healthy rapport with Individual / Team / Organizational change using ‘Theory U’.

Nations Economy improves only when there is an all-round development in all the aspects. After having a introspection he has decided to play a role in the uplift of the society. He believes in "Live and Let Live." Real satisfaction lies in 'GIVING'. According to him a person who serves others should be a friend, guide, advisor, empathetic, approachable, available and he always follows it..

A society includes different sects of people. Even though they belong to different castes and creed they have the common requirements like Healthcare, Education, acquiring skills, Medical facilities, Proper Livelihood etc., but most of the surveys revealed the truth that the above mentioned facilities are not available to the majority. Mr. Vadluri Sateesh Kumar has a glance of many such cases and couldn't stop himself in taking the initiative to trying to solve such problems. That is how he started his journey withSarada Educational Society. He says that it is a Trust which people really Trust. Being a part of Sarada Educational Society he rendered his suggestions in implementing many ideas which actually benefited the common people. We mainly focus on the below:

Shelter:Our primary goal is to provide parental care, supportive environment to orphan and needy children. We want our children to get the best education facilities.We provide every chance to them so that they can have a great life for themselves in the future. We inculcate good values, positive attitude, self dependency, patriotism in children as we strongly believe that the pride of our country flourishes only when the children are nourished with the above-mentioned qualities.

Health:"Health is Wealth". Now a day's health has become the friend of a wealthy person. But procuring proper medicinal facilities s the right of every common man. We organise many health camps in various areas including slum. We educate people about healthy food habits, vaccination, Preventional measures during epidemics. We channelize many treatments for various disorders bringing health at door step of a common man.

Education: A real weapon which everyone should have to win the world is education. Education converts complex things into simple. We strive and struggle to see that the "Right to Education" act is implemented even in the remote places. Even today we see many children working for daily wages. It is our responsibility to see that they are educated and lead a successful life holding the torch of education.

Women Empowerment: We believe that talent is not discriminated on the base of sex. Talent does not belong to any one gender. The main thing is women forget about their inbuilt knowledge and focus on their family. We undertake campaigning and educate and guide women in bringing out their hidden sparkling talent. We conduct training sessions to make them excel in many aspects and also provide awareness programs like *Beti Padhao, Beti Bachao -To generate awareness and improve the efficiency of welfare services meant for girls. *ConductSeminars for upliftment of Women rights, Encouraging education for women. To make a significant impact on women by upgrading skills. The target group includes the marginalised asset less rural women and urban poor, includes wage labourers, unpaid daily workers, women headed households and families below poverty line. We boost their confidence levels. we even show placements related to the training they underwent.

Job Melas: We conduct many Job Melas to build a competitive spirit among people and show their requirements. We act as a bridge between Employers and Employees. Spot light flashes on the real talent. our aim is to provide at least one job for the needy family. so that they can lead the life andfulfil the needs oftheir family in a better way whichultimately encourages them to do something for the society.

Enhancing Life Skills: We polish the hidden skills which are at the ground level. Talent is the recipe and skill is the topping. When both of them are together it is a delicious treat. We see that the talent and skill are nurtured together through periodic vocational training programs.

A note of conclusion from the Chairman,"I'll always abide to my Inner Voice which believes in service".